The application of algae fertilizer in planting has caused widespread concern among growers. Especially on vegetables, it performed extremely well. So, how to use tomato algae fertilizer? What is the effect after use? Here's a simple example of how to apply the method to the…
Sowing seedlings: sowing in July and August, using arch shelters, and covering the shade net. Shade nets should be covered during the day according to weather conditions, and should be removed in time.
Management during sowing and emergence requires that the seedbed te…
Appropriate pathogenic conditions for eggplant M. elegans disease were temperature 28°C to 30°C and relative humidity 85%. High temperatures and rain, high humidity, low altitude, water accumulation in the fields, and extensive management are the conditions that cause epidemic of M. …
At present, high-temperature weather generally occurs, which can easily lead to premature aging of vegetables such as eggplant, pepper, cucumber, and tomato. The symptoms are: atrophy of the plants, yellowing of the leaves, late fruit ripening, low yield, and severe death of the plants. Th…
The industrialized planting of citrons is carried out under high density and confined conditions. There is almost no gas exchange. In addition, the photosynthetic, respiration and microbi…
Jujube rust, also known as jujube, has been severe in the jujube area in recent years, causing loss of production and serious damage to the jujube area. The disease often occurs in the fruit enlargement period and causes a large number of fallen leaves, jujube fruit shrinkage, reduced suga…
The white clover is leguminous clover, a perennial herbage. The stems and vines grow, 30-60 cm long, the main root is short, the lateral roots are well developed, and there is nodules nitrogen fixation. White clover is a cool and humid climate, which is more shade-tolerant, moisture-resist…
I. Main measures to improve endoplasmic quality
1. Scientific fertilization. In the whole year, spring precipitating fertilizer, stable fruit and strong fruit fertilizer are applied. Organic manure fertilizer is mainly used in combination with chemical fertilizer. Precipitating fer…
Kiwi bagging technical measures include: selection of bags, fruit thinning, fruit setting, spraying, fruit set, protection, and bag removal.
The choice of paper bag is a single layer of beige thin wax wood pulp paper bag, 15-18 cm long, 11-13 cm wide, open seam in the middle, plus …