Where is the fruit tree fertilized?

1. Fruit tree topdressing fertilizer, we must first know the absorption of fertilizer by fruit trees, mainly by root hair in the root system. Therefore, spraying new high-fat membrane with fertilizer in the concentrated distribution area of ​​root hair can improve the utilization rat-----!

Method for pruning bayberry in summer

â‘ Sparse branches Cut branches or branches from the base of the branches. Over-dense auxiliary branches can be strong and weak; upright branches on the back of the main and auxiliary branches; strong branches at the top of the canopy are too strong, -----!

Tartary buckwheat beverage processing technology

(I. Overview The buckwheat genus Dicotyledon, also known as buckwheat, is a dual-use plant. According to the motherland medicine, bitter buckwheat has a bitter taste, flatness, coldness, beneficial strength, continuous spirit, eyesight, and lowering the stomach and stomach. Mo-----!