Winter nutritious breakfast recipes

Winter nutritious breakfast recipes one: In the morning we can develop a good diet, for example, every morning you can develop a healthy winter nutritious food recipe for you, skim milk, a cup of roasted whole wheat bread, and two slices of roasted whole wheat brea

How to reduce pump energy consumption in summer

First, the surface of the pump and the inner surface of the pressurized water chamber (also called volute) are rusted. Surface rust and bump will reduce the amount of water pumped by 7%-8%; overhauling with steel brush and iron sandpaper or grinding wheel smooth, you can make it in the work of

Sheep sheep house feed preparation technology

The main purpose of the feeding of cotton-fed ewes is through the scientific combination of a variety of feeds, to achieve the nutrition of the cotton ewes, but also to maximize the savings of feed, so that the cost of feed into the lowest. It is now planned to use 60 kg of

Corn seedlings meet four disasters

In the event of a locust plague at the seedling stage of corn, as long as the growth point is not damaged, it is generally not a good idea to turn over the seed, but it is necessary to take timely remedial measures to strengthen field management. The specific approach is:
