Is laver a cool food?

Is laver a cool food?

Laver cool

According to the distinction in traditional Chinese medicine, seaweed is a cold food. Most of the cold foods usually have medicinal properties such as heat, purging f

Winter wheat planting fertilization technology

Pouring up the jointed fertilizer water to top up the nitrogen fertilizer during the jointing period of wheat can not only increase the protein content significantly, but also is a key period to increase the wheat yield. Therefore, it is necessary to use the jointed fertilizer water accordi

Corn promotes early maturing management technology

Due to late sowing, delayed seedling development, too small C/N ratio, malnutrition, and other factors affecting the growth and development of corn, vegetative overgrowth and delayed reproduction are known as late-maturing. Late maturity of the glutinous corn has delayed ripening, serious

How to add salt when cooking

1. Add salt before cooking

If you use lard, chicken oil, peanut oil that has not reached the selected peanuts, etc., it is advisable to add a small amount of salt and then stir the vegetables. For peanut oil that has not reached the

What is "needle"? What is "moxibustion"?

Chinese medicine is an inherited philosophy of experience. Therefore, acupuncture is not invented by a certain individual within a certain period of time. The ancestors of the ancient and early times, in their daily lives, accumulated a bit of experience by relying on

Asparagus nutritional value and efficacy

Asparagus is a valuable vegetable with excellent taste. It can be fried and made soup. It is a precious dish on the banquet. In the West, asparagus is regarded as a prized vegetable and a vegetable that is both used for medicine and food. It is known as the “