Pollution-free cabbage cultivation technology

1, variety selection

It is advisable to use varieties with strong disease resistance, good quality and high yield, such as spring and autumn 54, spring and summer king, Longchang white, Lubai 7 and other cabbage varieties.

2, soil preparation and fertilization


How much is the cost of planting scallions?

Want to achieve the quality of sand onions and high yield, it is best to build a greenhouse, is also the more popular planting methods on the market, although the pre-cost is relatively high, about 4,000 to 5,000 yuan per mu per year, so the harvest is still very Not bad.

1. Constr

How to choose qualified organic fertilizer

To select organic fertilizers for industrial production, one must ask “one question, two opinions, and three investigations”.

1. Ask the source of raw materials. Raw materials are the prerequisite for determining the quality of organic fertilizers. It is not advisable t

High-yield cultivation techniques of golden gourd

Gold gourd is also called gourd, noodle melon, sea squash, and so on. It is native to the Americas and belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is rarely seen in many markets. It is a rare species in melons and is classified as a special vegetable.

The golden loofah can be eaten all

Management of rain, snow and snow in greenhouses

18 to 25 ° C is the most suitable temperature for tomato growth. If the normal temperature drops to only 13 ° C, the growth will be slow, but it will continue to grow, but below 13 ° C, the vegetative growth is very slow, and the overnutrition makes Flower buds are over-differenti

Improved Cultivation Techniques of Edible Mushrooms

The strain culture room should be regularly inspected and fumigated. When producing strains, cotton balls should be used to tighten the test tubes and a layer of kraft paper should be used to prevent insects from invading. If pests have been found, they must be treated by fumigation or low