Walnut Tree May Management Plan

First, soil and fertilizer management

1, soil management

(1) Tree tray management

In order to promote the growth and development of walnut saplings, tree-planting, weeding or weeding operations are performed every year after planting. 1 Tree Tray Tillage Generally, the tree

Tomato use hormone precautions

In order to prevent the tomato from falling and falling, the more fruit hormones used in production are 2,4-D and anti-fallin. Farmers should pay special attention to the following points during their use:

Use concentration

The concentration of 2,4-D is generally 10ppm-20pp

How to apply apple spring flower pre-fertilizer

1. According to the plant demand, give enough fertilizer and water, and apply fertilizer on the basis of applying organic fertilizer to meet the demand for nutrients of fruit tree flowering, fruit setting and new shoot growth. The amount of top dressing can be determined by soil, tree pote

Autumn pumpkin planting is stressful

1. Select the variety: choose the fine variety. It can be used for seed dressing with new high-fat film (can be mixed with seed coating agent), can avoid underground pests and diseases, isolate virus infection, does not affect germination and swelling function, strengthens breathing intensity