Method for growing homeless vegetables

Vegetable selection: Fruitless vegetables that can be grown without soil: tomatoes, cucumbers, bitter gourds, strawberries, and cherry radishes. Leaf vegetables include lettuce, celery, coriander, cabbage, canola, spinach, and Artemisia. The maturity of these dishes varies. Fruit vegetable

Mother goose winter tube attention

For nutrition. The consumption of geese increases in winter, so it is necessary to raise feed nutrition standards, balance the consumption of goose bodies, and enhance their ability to keep out the cold. Generally, it is necessary to appropriately increase the energy feeds such as rice and

Women's menstrual diet 5 points

How can I spend my period comfortably? Then you have to learn to pay attention to the menstrual diet. You can comfortably spend your period as long as you have proper dietary attention.

1 menstrual diet: Do not eat spicy food during the period

Women's body resist

Banlangen cultivation techniques

Growth habits: Strict requirements on the soil, afraid of water, like sunshine, can be continuous.

Cultivation management: seed propagation. Spring sowing in March-May, selected well-drained, loose fertile soil, according to spacing 65-80 cm, 2 cm shallow ditch. Spread the seed eve

Daffodil potted conservation

Daffodils are one of China's top ten flowers. The flowers are white, pure and clear, with waxy nucleus, gold and jade platters, delicate stems and leaves, and graceful postures. They are known as "Lingbo Fairies." Ancient celebrities and scholars liked daffodils. They had anc

Common diseases and control methods of rainbow trout

The common diseases of rainbow trout include nutritive diseases, ectoparasitic diseases, hydromycosis, bacterial canal rot disease, gill disease, and enteritis, among which the most common are nutritional diseases, followed by echinococcosis and third generation worm diseases. .

Fertilizer application effect wins pesticide

The use of chemical fertilizers or organic fertilizers to control pests and diseases of crop plants is not only economical, safe and effective, but also has the characteristics of fertilizing and not damaging natural enemies, and does not pollute the environment. It can be described as a m