Women's menstrual period supplement 3 nutrients

How does a woman's menstrual diet really have to be arranged? There are many different arguments for women's menstrual diet. Which dietary advice is best for you? In fact, not only calcium supplements but also other nutrients need to be added during the menstrual period. element. I

Scorpion seasoning should not be in the season

Peel as a kind of cricket. The author believes that whether it is from the breeding point of view, or from a technical perspective, this season is not a good season for the reproduction of rare fur animals such as cockroaches. The reasons are as follows:

First, the skin is not a sp

After a storm

Clean the gully to eliminate water

After the vegetable fields were flooded, toxic substances increased and root activity declined. After the flood receded, it was necessary to quickly open the ditch, reduce the groundwater level, eliminate toxic substances, and promote root growth.

Fruit management experience sprayed good walnuts

The summer walnut fruit enters the hard core period, and the management focus should be on the spray application. The specific measures are as follows:

First, spraying insecticides: In July and August, it was the stage of walnut insect pests. The fruit of the pest was walnut extrem

How to make sows estrus

Sow breeding is the most important process in the sustainable development of the farm. However, if the sows do not fit in, even the white-breeding is the biggest waste on the farm. In order to solve this problem, I will now share with you some of the methods and experiences that I personal

These swine breeding experiences are not reliable

Farming pigs often mention some experiences. It is undeniable that there are many traditional pig raising experiences in rural areas that are worth learning from, but there are also many experiences that are not reliable.

1. "Cook and easy long oil." The traditional metho