How to prevent and treat "froth skin disease"

Sick limbs and neck (sometimes in the tail or edge of the carapace skin) ulceration, skin tissue necrosis and turn white, yellow, and soon ulceration was rot skin. As the disease progresses, the area of ​​ulceration expands and deepens until the neck muscles and limb bones ar

4 Keys to Efficiently Fostering Fox

Fox has a high economic value. Its main product, fox leather, is a large capillary skin. It has the advantages of tough wear-resistance, soft and lightweight, and good thermal insulation. It is a high-quality raw material for the production of fur collars, caps, and furskins. How to proper

Meat geese breeding three methods

Selected varieties. The local gooses can use the advantages of high egg production, resistance to rough feeding, and strong resistance to disease. The breeding of male geese as male parents is used for crossbreeding. Their offspring retains the characteristics of local geese as well as the

Treatment of rabbit dry paw disease

Rabbit dry paw disease is a chronic, contagious skin disease caused by worm parasitism, which is very harmful to rabbits. After suffering from this disease, it is desirable to take 1ml of 20% extinct edesta emulsifiable concentrate and 1kg of Vaseline, stir it thoroughly to make an ointment, a

Quality turf care tips

The success of the Beijing Olympic Games has made the "Bird's Nest" and other stadium lawns the focus of attention.

On the sports field, a high-quality lawn can not only make the audience feel pleasing, but more importantly, it can significantly reduce the chance and

Feeding management technology of meat goose

Goose is a grass-fed waterfowl, mainly grazing, feeding green and juicy feed, combined with feeding, scientific breeding, and improving economic efficiency have been accepted by more and more geese families, and now the geese feeding management technology is described as follows.


Pumpkin high-yielding cultivation techniques

Pumpkin has strong cold-resistant and low-temperature growth characteristics, can be early winter and spring cultivation, early spring cultivation, spring and autumn open field cultivation. Winter and spring anti-season cultivation application of greenhouse film covering and multi-layer insula

Medicinal plants rose, rose virus disease

Symptoms are mainly characterized by chlorosis along the veins, irregular light yellow to orange patches on the leaves, some in circular or sinuous patterns, and some with small kerchids, linear leaves, local malformations, or yellow veins or yellow Mosaic and