Endocarpus is an annual herb of the Asteraceae family. Fresh green leaves are edible and have a slightly bitter taste. The bitterness of borechie is very strong and generally does not require pest control. The cold endoleon is like cold and avoids high temperature. After passing vernalization at a low temperature, the high temperature and long hours of sunshine condition convulsions, flowering, and seeding, and the light is sufficient for the growth of the plant. Because of its tender leaves, high water content, and short growing season, it is necessary to ensure sufficient supply of fertilizer and water throughout the growth period so as to ensure its normal growth. If facilities such as greenhouses, greenhouses and shading are used, planting can be arranged according to market demand throughout the year to achieve annual supply and achieve high economic value. The main points for planting are as follows: 1. Seed nursery or live broadcast every 667 square meters Daejeon needs 8-10 square meters seedbed, seed 20-25 grams. Before seeding, the seedbed should be fertilized and covered with heat after sowing so as to facilitate full seedlings. Live field requires loose soil and fertility, convenient irrigation and drainage, apply 3,000 to 5,000 kilograms of mature farmyard fertilizer per 667 square meters, deep tillage, and make a 2-3 meter wide raft. When planting, open shallow trenches on the surface of the planter at a spacing of 20-25 cm. Spread the seeds evenly into the trenches and cover the fine soil. If the soil moisture is insufficient when sowing, it is necessary to pour water first and then sow it when it is suitable. If the seeds can be sown after germination, the effect is better. After sowing, it is necessary to ensure that the surface is moist, after emergence and time seedlings, Dingmiao, the appropriate row spacing is 25 cm 15 cm. The seedling age for transplanting and transplanting is about 30 days, and 4-5 shoots are planted when the leaves are true, and the spacing between rows is the same as that of the direct seeding field. Second, the use of hole irrigation or furrow irrigation in the field of planting management, after the alleviation of the seedlings after a comprehensive irrigation of water, field moisture suitable for cultivation of loose soil to protect crops, promote root development and leaf growth. On the basis of applying basal fertilizer, apply as little or no chemical fertilizer as possible to ensure quality. In autumn and winter herbicides planted in greenhouses, the temperature should be adjusted by increasing the temperature of the insulation equipment and ventilation to keep the temperature between 15°C and 20°C during the day and 10°C during the night. After the planting of spring and summer plants, the temperature of the endosperm grows gradually and the sunshine increases. It is unfavorable to the growth and should be covered by covering the reed curtains, shade nets, etc., but it is necessary to cover them flexibly according to the weather conditions. Third, the harvest can be harvested after 30-40 days of general planting. The live seedlings can be sold along with the growth of the plants to increase the early yield, which is generally about 2500 kg per 667 square meters.