Ultrasonic patch monitors deep blood pressure in the body
September 17, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Patch applications include real-time, continuous monitoring of blood pressure changes in patients with heart disease, lung disease, and critically ill patients. Due to the use of ultrasound, this patch can also be used to non-invasively track other vital signs and physiological signals deep in the body.
Xu Sheng, a professor of nanoengineering at the University of California, San Diego, said that so far, wearable devices have been limited to sensing signals on or directly below the surface of the skin. By integrating ultrasound technology into wearable devices, researchers can non-invasively capture a large number of other signals, biological events, and activities that occur beneath the epidermis. The new research adds a third dimension to the sensing range of wearable electronics.
The patch is a thin layer of elastic silicone with a so-called "island bridge" structure - a small array of electronic components (islands), each connected by a spring-shaped wire (bridge). Each island contains electrodes and devices called piezoelectric sensors that generate ultrasound when current is passed through. The bridge connecting them is made of thin spring-like copper wire. The island bridge structure allows the entire patch to conform to the skin and does not affect electronic function when stretched, bent and twisted.
The patch uses ultrasound to continuously record the diameter of a blood vessel located 4 cm deep below the skin and then convert the information into a waveform using custom software. Each peak, valley, and notch in the waveform, as well as the overall shape of the waveform, represents a particular activity or event in the heart. These signals provide doctors with a wealth of detailed information to assess their cardiovascular health and can be used to predict heart failure and determine if the blood supply is good.
Researchers say that ultrasound patches may become an important complement to cardiovascular medicine. In the surgical procedure, especially in complex cardiopulmonary surgery, accurate real-time assessment of central blood pressure is required, which is where ultrasonic patches are expected to replace traditional methods. (Reporter Feng Weidong)
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