Q: Chengdong Town, Xinghua City, Xu Ganfu: The rice seed germinated and then broadcast live water. After sowing, it was closed by weeds with 40% of oxabutramide EC in the pre-emergence plantation. After 7 days, there was no emergence of seedlings. Why?
A: It is very likely that the emergence of rice is not affected by oxadiachlor. Oxybutachlor is a combination of butachlor and oxadiazon. It is generally required that the rice is sprayed without soiling before sprouting. The application of oxabutachlor in rice fields sown in bud valleys has a strong killing effect on rice buds, which can cause rice not to emerge. The above-mentioned damaged plots of rice may not be able to emerge, and transplanting rice should be arranged as soon as possible.
The main component of this preparation is human immunoglobulin, which is prepared by cold ethanol fractionation of human plasma from healthy donors. The manufacturing process contains a step to remove anticomplementary activity and a dual viral inactivation process. It contains a suitable amount of glucose or maltose as stabilizer (see table below), but does not contain any antiseptic or antibiotic. The distribution of IgG subclasses is close to the serum level of normal subjects and maintains the bioactivity of Fc fragment of IgG.
1. Primary
agammaglobulinemia, such as X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia,
common variant immunodeficiency diseases, immunoglobulin G subclass deficiency,
2. Secondary
immunoglobulin deficiency diseases, such as severe infection, septicemia of
newborn, etc
Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin
Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin,Intravenous Immunoglobulin,High-Quality Effective Intravenous Immunoglobulin,Human Immunoglobulin For Intravenous Injection
Sichuan Yuanda Shuyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. , https://www.syimmunoglobulin.com