Citrus peel extraction pectin method

Pretreatment of citrus peel. Dried citrus peels are rehydrated first to remove sugars, acids, pigments and some bitter substances that affect the quality and flavor of pectin. Soak in warm water at 50°C and rinse for 2-3 hours to prevent pectina

Sericulture clever feeding can increase production

1. Adding soymilk When silkworms enter the fourth-year ingestion period or the third-day of fifth instar, the fresh soymilk is sprinkled on the mulberry leaves, which can reduce the use of mulberry by 10%, increase the body weight of silkworm by 5%, and increase the healthiness of silkworms. 3

Fish scale processing

In the winter season, freshwater fish are listed on a large scale and fish scale resources are abundant. Farmers' friends gather fish scales and produce various kinds of handicrafts for sale. It is a road to getting rich with little investment, high efficiency, and no risk. The processing

Processing of aquatic product waste

For a long time, chitin hidden in the shell of shrimp head has been considered as garbage and naturally lost. It has not been discovered until recently by scientists and technicians that chitin and its derivative products have been used in agriculture, medicine, food, chemical industry, cosmet