Penaeus Vannamei is distributed on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean to the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. The shrimp grows fast and has few diseases. It is the main species of shrimp culture in Central and South America. In the early 1990s, Penaeus vannamei was introduced into China. After several years of experimentation, the characteristics of rapid growth and strong antiviral disease were gradually recognized by the majority of shrimp farmers. In 1997, Haiyang City, Shandong Province bred the shrimp. The average yield per mu reached more than 100 kg and the size reached 12 cm or more. During the same period, the Chinese prawns were only 15-30 kg per mu due to virus damage. Although the shrimp is popular among shrimp farmers, it has not been able to produce seedlings on a large scale due to the maturity of the shrimp and its seedling raising technology. To this end, the technical details of breeding the shrimp in Central and South America are summarized as follows: 1. Nursery facilities artificially reproduce Penaeus vannamei, using Japanese-style nursery facilities is more common, and is basically similar to the shrimp nursery room in China. Its nursery ponds are generally rectangular glass sinks made of glass fiber and have a volume of 10-15 m3. Seedling water must be filtered 2-4 times, and the treatment of water using the monocellular algae culture is more stringent. Heating a common diesel boiler, using hot water circulation. Inflate with a Roots blower. 2. Shrimp cultivation and spawning hatching (1) Shrimp cultivation The species of shrimp used in Central and South America are mostly collected from natural sea areas. Due to the improvement of the technology for the harvesting of shrimp, it is not easy to exfoliate, and some can receive a large number of fertilized eggs on board. The shrimp weighs about 50-60 grams. The healthy and non-injured ones were selected and placed indoors at a ratio of male to female I2:1. Density is 4 - 5 tails per square meter. Water temperature 26-27 °C, salinity 33ppt-35ppt. Each day, the pool is changed by about 50%, and inflated. The ground is covered with a black mesh cloth and the illumination in the pool is less than 100 lux. Fresh oysters, squid and frozen silkworms are used as bait. Daily feeding amount is about 10% of body weight. (2) Artificial shrimp ripening and fine-grass transplantation. Penaeus vannamei is an open seminal vesicle type. Its reproductive habits are different from those of Chinese shrimp. Maturation of the gonads of males and females was completed before mating. At the time of mating, the male prawn drained from the spermatozoa and adhered to the 3-4th lap of the female's breast. After several hours of mating, the female began spawning. The spermatozoa released the sperm and completed the fertilization in the water. In Europe and the United States in the Central and South America engaged in artificial breeding of the shrimp, most of the way to use the shrimp for their natural mating, and then select the mated female shrimp, release hatching and incubation in the hatchery. In this way, although large quantities of shrimp can be produced, more species of shrimp are needed. In Central and South America, some shrimp breeding farms adopt artificial artificial ripening of shrimps and artificial seedlings for artificial breeding. The results are also good. The operating technique is as follows: The species of shrimp collected from the natural sea area is stocked for a period of time, and after it is fully adapted to the environmental conditions in the pool, the artificial shrimp ball is operated. First of all, the stocked shrimp was put into an inflated black bucket. Then the male and female shrimps are squeezed to the right eyeball, and the operation should be performed in water. Then the eyeballs were returned to their original place and cultured. After a period of time, the gonads of the shrimp that go to the eye will gradually mature. At this point, artificial transplantation is performed. The open seminal vesicles of P. vannamei are located between the third and fourth pairs of stepping feet. Male sexually mature males have milky white seminal vesicles. For artificially transplanted spermatozoa, males with high maturity must be selected. At the base of the fifth step, the thumb should be nudged several times and the spermatozoa are to emerge. The spermatozoa are then adhered to the female seminal vesicles. Carefully place the females in small black buckets and spawn them and fertilize them. The amount of air charge in the barrel should be small to prevent it from falling off. And shading with black mesh. (3) Female spawning and hatching Mature females who have been artificially transplanted and spawned are generally spawned and fertilized in the middle of the night. Penaeus vannamei has much fewer eggs than Chinese shrimp. General females spawn only about 50,200,000 capsules at a time. However, its breeding period is longer. After the females spawn, remove them. After washing eggs, increase the amount of inflation and add EDTA and disease prevention drugs. After about 12 to 14 hours, hatchlings can be hatched. Using the larvae's phototaxis characteristics, the larvae were bred into a cultivation pond for cultivation. (4) Incubation of larvae The metamorphosis of Penaeus vannamei larvae was similar to that of Chinese prawn. That is, after three larval stages of nauplii, zoea, and larvae, they then metamorphose to larvae. The larvae are cultured at a suitable water temperature of 28-30°C, with a salinity of 28ppt-35ppt and a pH of about 8. The larval rearing techniques are basically the same as those of the Chinese shrimp, so they are omitted. Shandong Ocean Fisheries Research Institute Xiao Huaqing Chen Yiping

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