Researchers find cholesterol or catalyze Alzheimer's disease

May 10, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet

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Researchers at the University of Cambridge in the UK and Lund University in Sweden have found that cholesterol may play a catalytic role in the formation and development of Alzheimer's disease.

Previous studies have shown that large accumulation of beta-amyloid in the brain is a direct cause of Alzheimer's disease. In fact, all brain cells produce beta-amyloid. Research leader, Cambridge University scholar Michel Vedruskoro said that under normal circumstances, the level of beta-amyloid in the brain is almost one-thousandth of the laboratory accumulation requirement. "What happened to it? Accumulation?” In vitro studies, the researchers found that the cholesterol contained in the cell membrane of brain neurons is a catalyst for the accumulation of beta-amyloid protein, allowing the accumulation rate to be 20 times faster.

The researchers wrote in a paper published in Nature Chemicals, published on the 7th: "Our problem is not to eliminate cholesterol in the brain, but to control it by regulating the interaction of cholesterol with beta-amyloid. The role of Alzheimer's disease. We can't say that cholesterol is the only catalyst for (beta betaine) accumulation, but it is certainly one."

The researchers said it is unclear whether this result applies to cholesterol from food, because cholesterol does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which means that it cannot enter the brain tissue from the blood.

The researchers believe that the results of this study mean that people are taking a step toward the possible treatment of Alzheimer's disease. (Huang Min)

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