The normal normal chicken droppings are strips. There is a white layer of urate on the surface of the chicken droppings. The hardness is moderate. Its color can vary depending on the type of feed, mostly grayish green or yellowish sauce. Excessive or excessive drinking is caused by insufficient or excessive drinking water. However, it is excessively soft because there is too much buckwheat in the feed. If chicken excrement is abnormal in quality, quantity, shape and color, it may be caused by disease. Abnormal chicken droppings are as follows:
Meat red stool: Shaped like rotten meat, this is formed by the shedding intestinal mucosa. More common in chickens suffering from coccidiosis, tsutsugamushi, tsutsugamushi and recovery of enteritis.
Bloody feces: Faeces black or tea black, common in upper gastrointestinal bleeding; feces red or bright red, more common in lower gastrointestinal bleeding.
Yellow sulfur feces: There is a layer of yellow or light yellow urine on the stool surface. That is due to the damage of the hepatic lobe which affects the excretion of the bile, which results in the entry of bilirubin into the blood and through the urine. More common in appendicitis, hepatitis.
Green sticky odor and feces: feces appear black and green, this is due to bile and intestinal cells off of mixed tissue cells, more common in poultry cholera, Newcastle disease, laryngotracheitis and so on.
Thin feces: The chicken digests normally, but the feces has more water without forming, mostly due to a sudden increase in drinking water when the weather is hot, excessive salt in the feed, mild E. coli infection, and mild toxic substances in the feed.
Rust-colored watery stools: A rust-colored water sample mixed with urate and sometimes incompletely digested feed. This is due to severe bleeding in the intestines. More common in Newcastle disease early poisoning and other diseases that cause gastrointestinal bleeding.
Milk-like excrement: Milky white, dilute water sample, like milk poured on the ground, more common in mucous membrane congestion, mild enteritis.
White dilute feces: thick, often sticky to the chicken anus, more common in chicken white pimple.
White watery stools: The stools are watery and mixed with white urate particles. More common in chickens with no appetite, sputum, and uremia. This is due to the absence of food in the digestive tract and the formation of urate as feces.

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