After sowing of cotton, due to various reasons, it often results in the phenomenon of lack of seedlings and ridges. Although some cotton fields have been supplemented and transplanted, they still cannot reach the whole seedling land. Production can take full advantage of cotton's habit of unlimited growth and edge-advantages, and adopt the following measures to conduct timely and meticulous management, as well as high yields.

Qiao Miao: Dingmiao should master the fields have a full seedlings, leaving strong seedlings; not the whole seedlings, leave the principle of double seedlings. For the one-meter or so ridges lacking seedlings, leave two plants on both sides of the space when setting seedlings; for distances greater than one meter, in addition to leaving two plants on both sides of the space, increase the number of adjacent ridges in the ridge. The density of seedlings is kept to make full use of space, and the advantages of borderline and multi-junction bells are exerted.

Clever pruning: In order to make full use of the space where the seedlings are cut off and ridged, the pruning can be directed toward the space, leaving 1 to 3 vegetative shoots (crazy pods). When it grows 3 to 5 fruit branches, it pushes to the top, prompting Transfer of nutrients to fruit branches can increase the rate of ringing.

Clever dressing: lack of seedlings off the ridge of the cotton field, because the local density is small, in order to play the individual advantages of cotton plants, can be early stage fertilizer in the buds of cotton, partial fertilization, promote their early growth, as early as high yield shelf. If soil moisture is insufficient during this period, topdressing can be carried out simultaneously with watering.

Skillful control: When the cotton fertilizer water appears to be subject to a tendency of appetite and needs to be controlled, for the lack of seedlings and broken ridges or where the local density is small, the chemical control must be light and small, so that the cotton plants will form a powerful individual, and will not be festivals. Stretching too long or leggy makes the individual strong but not prosperous, and uses space advantage to make more bells.

Qiao complement planting: For cotton seedlings where there is a large amount of space in the seedlings, peppers can be planted. When planting pepper, you can adopt a two-planting cultivation method to avoid late lodging. Practice has proved that supplementing peppers in cotton fields has the effect of promoting each other's production.

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