No need to take medication and talk about the new method of treating mental illness

January 25, 2016 Source: 99 Health Net

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Recently, a new treatment for mental illness such as depression and anxiety has emerged. When using this therapy, the doctor will show the patient the real-time activity of the brain at the time of onset and initiate treatment based on these brain activities.

This new type of therapy is also called "neurological feedback" therapy.

There is an urgent need for new therapies in the treatment of diseases such as mental illness, especially depression. According to a study published in the journal Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research in 2012, the number of US residents who may experience major depressive symptoms in their lifetime may reach nearly 17%.

Existing antidepressants and talkative therapies are not effective for everyone. A study of nearly 3,000 patients found that after taking the 14-week antidepressant citalopram, only about one-third of the patients were actually relieved.

Neurofeedback therapy seeks a more precise treatment than current methods. This new treatment directly targets the areas of the brain where dysfunction occurs, locates the emotional and cognitive processes of the problem, and intervenes in the underlying causes of these mental illnesses. Doctors hope that this therapy can also be tailored to each patient's brain characteristics to provide patients with a treatment that is more in line with their own characteristics.

In addition to depression, neurofeedback therapy has also been used in the study of phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, addiction problems, traumatic brain injury, and chronic pain.

According to reports, there is no need to take medications for neurofeedback therapy and to talk to strangers about their mothers and other family situations.