Lemon pest control

The fungal diseases during storage of lemon fruits mainly include black rot, acid rot, peduncle, blue and green mildew, and anthrax. Physiological diseases mainly include dryness and edema.

(1) Pelvic rot: Divided into two categories: brown pedicel and black pedicel. Symptoms are si

Pregnant women can not eat what meat

1, rabbit meat

Cool, cold and blood circulation, but also vulnerable to yang, so pregnant mothers should not eat. For example, Wang Mengying, a food doctor in the Qing dynasty, said in his book “With the Interesting Diet” that rabbits are cold, cool, eat more and eat Yu

How to conserve flowers in the white dew season

How to conserve flowers in the white dew season? In the autumn, conservation of flowers is particularly important. Autumn should begin to control the amount of watering flowers, stop the fertilization, so as to avoid excessive water rot, fertilizer and more caused by leaves and legs, affec

High-yield yam production with organic fertilizer

Yam hi organic fertilizer, from sowing to hair trees can be paved, and the number is not limited. At the same time, organic fertilizers need to consider the nature of the soil, horses manure, sheep manure and other relatively loose, organic matter content, easy fermentation and decomposition,

How to do "black Umai" on the ear of corn

The reader with the phone's tail number 2799 asked: “Black Umai” is on the ears of corn, and some can't spit on Tiansui, and the place where the spit is spearhead is “black Umai”. What's going on here? How to do?

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