Release date: 2015-10-15
One-and-a-half-year-old baby recipe one: onion pork
Nutritional value: This dish is suitable for babies from 1 to 3 years old. Onion is rich in nutrients, spicy and pungent, can stimulate the secretion of stomach, intestines and dig…
Release date: 2015-09-10
The 23-year-old college student Xiao Wei is a sports athlete. He insists on training and gradually increases his physi…
The new hens in the spring brooding period are mostly in the fall autumn season from the beginning of production to the peak of egg production. Keep the following points in mind when raising animals:
Clever feeding. Adult chickens are fed 3 to 4 times a day. Early in the morning, t…
Definitely, it is the fixed person feeding from the beginning to the end, so that you can learn the lamb's living habits, the level of satiation, the temperature of the feeding, the amount of feeding, and whether it is healthy or not.
Constant temperature should grasp the tempe…
First, choose to regen…
From Jiangxiang pig, it is China's precious miniature local pig breed, which is only produced in the Moon Mountain area of ​​Congjiang County, Guizhou Province. In 1980, it was listed as one of the eight major local pig breeds in China; in 1982 it…
Constipation is an affair that confuses many people. It is dry in the autumn and it is more prone to constipation. Recently, the United States "Daily Health Network" published "relief constipation food" for your reference.
Core Tip: In the open season of meat breeder chickens, in addition to requiring more eggs, higher qualification rate of eggs, low material consumption, high survival rate of breeders, high fertilization rate of hatching eggs, and robustness of hatched chicks, meat use Breeding and manageme…
In recent years, Hai'an Town in Hai'an County has explored efficient winter wheat lettuce, early spring fresh corn, and cowpea high-efficiency cropping models. Using the warming effect of the middle shed, lettuce and fresh corn have been brought to the market in the morning to achi…
The normal normal chicken droppings are strips. There is a white layer of urate on the surface of the chicken droppings. The hardness is moderate. Its color can vary depending on the type of feed, mostly grayish green or yellowish sauce. Excessive or excessive drinking is caused by insuffi…