From late March to early April

The seedling transplanting method can be sown within 30-40 days before the harvest, and the sowing volume is 2.5-3 kg.

From early April to early May

(1)Pre-broadcasting preparation: Most of the kenaf in our province is interplanted with winter crops such as big wheat, rapeseeds and broad beans. Usually about 1 month before the harvest, the ramets are planted in advance and reserved in the empty row. There are often farming methods of "green rice in the middle of the valley and wheat in the ditch." At this time, one month before the harvest, the green manure in the loquat can be cut first, used as a base fertilizer, and then sown.

(2) sowing time: Chunma in mid-late April.

(3) Seed treatment: Before sowing, select sunny days to rinse the pockmarks with clean water, go to miscellaneous and inferior, and spread the sun. Then use seed weight 0.5% tetromycin powder or seed weight of 0.3% enzomethionone seed dressing, boring for 7-15 days.

(4) Seed quantity: About 20,000 seedlings per acre, 2–2.5 kg should be sown.

(5) Seeding techniques: 1 Site preparation: The soil should be deep and the site preparation should be fine. Seed ditch depth 1-2 cm, width 10 cm, spacing 25-30 cm, width 2-4 meters wide. 2 fertilization: before sowing, first apply green manure, manure and other base fertilizers, combined with the application of part of phosphate fertilizer. Green manure 1000 kilograms or 400-500 kilograms of human feces, calcium superphosphate 15-25 kilograms. 3 After sowing, cover the seeds with plant ash and mud manure.

(6) Plastic film cover: after filming, it can be planted 7-10 days earlier than Daejeon. The sowing technique is basically the same as conventional sowing, but it is necessary to emphasize: 1) Improve the quality of the whole planting and apply the basal fertilizer to make up for the loss of no planting fertilizer. Amount of urea 3-4 kg, potassium chloride 3-4 kg, superphosphate or calcium magnesium phosphate 5 kg, applied into the 3-4 cm deep seeding ditch, pay attention to species and fertilizer can not be mixed. 2 Herbicides can be used to control weeds. However, the medicament should be sprayed on the surface of the soil after sowing, so that the seeds and the medicament must not be in direct contact. The amount of mu for the herbicide was 50% and 300 grams of the herbicide and 50% of the paraquat 100 grams. Each diluted with water is 40-50 kg. And pay attention to the application time.

(7) Seedling transplanting: After harvesting, flattening, no-tillage, no-till irrigation, and 2-3 days after flooding, it can be transplanted to half ditch for transplanting. With a density of 15,000 plants per acre, it should be cultivated and topdressed after being transplanted to survive.

(8) Dressing: 10 to 15 kg of nitrogen fertilizer or 500 to 750 kg of human feces, divided into 2 to 3 times before and after emergence for harvest before and after application.

(9) Pay attention to the drainage during the seedling stage.

From early May to late June

(1) Early summer can be broadcast in early June.

(2) Dianmiao Dingmiao: Immediately after the emergence of seedlings, a total of 2-3 times between the seedlings. One month after emergence, the middle and late May will be fixed. Intertwined before the harvest for seedlings. The average mu Dingmiao 15,000 - 20,000.

(3) Lightly applying Miaofei and reapplying Wangchangfei: The first time combined with 2.5-3.0kg of ammonium sulfate, plus diluted manure water. The second time after the fixed seedlings, 5 kg of ammonium sulfate or 2.5 kg of urea was applied. In the middle of June, in the early period of Wangchang, 30-50 kg of organic fertilizer with high nitrogen content, 10-15 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 100 kg of ash fertilizer or 10-15 kg of potassium fertilizer, and 15-20 kg of superphosphate were applied and reconstituted after application. From the end of July to the mid-August of the prosperous period, if there is early spring, it can make up for the strong shoot fertilizer, and the general application of effective nitrogen fertilizer is 5-10 kg.

(4) Cultivating and weeding soil: The depth of cultivator is the first time shallow, the second time deep, and the third time turning grass roots. After cultivating, all soil is earthed.

From mid-August to late September

(1) Do a good job in earth-cultivation and drainage, and improve wind resistance.

(2) Disease prevention and control: The main diseases are anthracnose, blight and stem blight, which can be used as follows: 1 selection of disease-resistant varieties; 2 rice-maize, hemp-cooked grains, etc.; 3 seed disinfection; 4 removal of pathogens; Spray pesticides and other methods to prevent and control. Pesticides can be sprayed with a mixture of 1000-fold diluted 50% wet extinguisher or 25% rivazomone, or a mixture of 50% tuestein and dextromethorphan (1:1:500). The main insect pests are ground tigers, corn borers, and Spodoptera litura, which can be trapped by light or trapped and killed. 90% trichlorfon (1:1000) was sprayed after emergence. Daejeon can be sprayed with 1500 times omethoate or methamidophos diluted solution.

Harvest and wash from late September to early October.

Bancha Tea

Bancha is a Japanese green tea. It is harvested from the second flush of sencha between summer and autumn. (The first flush is harvested for shincha.)

Bancha is harvested from the same tree as sencha grade, but it is plucked later than sencha is, giving it a lower market grade. It is considered to be the lowest grade of green tea. There are 22 grades of bancha. Its flavour is unique, it has a stronger organic straw smell.

Bancha Tea,Organic Bancha Tea,Fitness Melberry Leaf Tea,Healthy Melberry Leaf Tea