The quality and culture of Taiwan's medical care has developed significantly in recent years. In addition to participating in hospital evaluations led by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Hospital of Health and Welfare Hospital Evaluation and Medical Quality Policy, and the recognition of the level of regional hospitals and medical centers, It has also applied for JCI certification in the United States to connect with international medical standards.

It can be seen that the medical profession in Taiwan is now in the midst of a critical period of medical reform, and all hospitals are striving to obtain higher health insurance benefits. How to make medical buildings meet the requirements of medical technology based on the culture centered on patient safety is the most important issue in current hospital reform.

According to the principles of medical process (MedicalProcess), using the concept of medical building design, based on the needs of the owners, based on the objectives of the new hospital building structure, innovative ideas and environmental protection, the following key points are summarized in the hospital building design and medical process.

The primary issue - the integration of new and old medical equipment management

>>>>According to the needs assessment and integration of the department

Ten minutes to read about Taiwan's medical design process

Ten minutes to read about Taiwan's medical design process

Taking the bone marrow transplant ward and the burn ward as an example, the ward facilities and equipment to be set are shown in Table 1 and Table 2.

>>>>Procurement advice and benefit evaluation analysis

Ten minutes to read about Taiwan's medical design process

It can be purchased in batches according to the new cycle of the hospital; following the principle of inter-disciplinary sharing, in addition to greatly reducing the investment cost, it can also avoid the shortage of old equipment or parts supply.

Wound Drainage System

Wound drainage system comes into use after surgery to drainage waste liquid, pus, blood around the wounds in abdomen, chest, breast and other human body parts. According to the request, Yingmed offers many wound drainage system with different capacity fro your choose.

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