Eating eggs will not cause bird flu

The winter and spring season is a period of high incidence of bird flu. In recent days, bird flu deaths have occurred in Shenzhen. Everyone has raised concerns about bird flu. Many friends would like to know if the bird flu eggs can eat, or whether the eggs will be

Cultivated soybeans

Characteristic characteristics: Plant height 80-120 cm, strong growth, multiple branches, low crusted parts, generally 26-30 single branches, 600-800 knots, up to 2000, producing net beans 0.5- 0.8 kg, high up to 2.8 kg, main stem prominent, lateral branches stout, yellowish-angled yellow,

Roughage handling two major coup

Roughage refers to the feed where the natural moisture content is less than 60%, and the dry matter has a crude fiber content of not less than 18% and is fed as a dried product. Green fodder, silage, hay, crop stalks, and vinasses all belong to roughage. The nutritional value of these feed

How do jackfruit seeds eat

The nutritional value of jackfruit is very high. It contains a lot of protein and vitamins. It is very helpful to friends who have inflammation and edema. In fact, its seeds are also of great medicinal value. Here's how to eat jackfruit seeds.

Fried pineapple seeds

1. T

Computer cable installation workflow

Computer cable installation workflow

First, the signal classification

The reasonable layout of the cable can effectively reduce the interference of the external environment on the signal and the mutual interference between various cables, and i

Autumn sheep breeding method

The mutton sheep is one of the most adaptable animals in the external environment. It has a wide range of food habits, resistance to roughage, and strong resistance to stress. Meat sheep has the characteristics of high meat production, lean meat, and high protein content. In recent years,