Flammulina velutipes processing technology

First, the selected material is not open umbrella, cap diameter less than 2.5 cm, handle length of about 15 cm, light yellow color, no pests, spots of fresh mushroom as raw material.

2. Fixing will cut the selected mushroom to the root of the mushroom, shake the culture material an

Why Emphasis on Medications in Apple Flushing Period

Apple red period to inflorescence separation period is one of the key periods to prevent orchard pests and diseases in the orchard: On the one hand, it is the wintering period of the apple leaf roller moth and the golden eggworm hatching incubation period, and it is also the wintering egg hatc

Do you need to eat blood after birth?

Because the woman has just given birth to her child, she has lost too much blood and needs blood in a timely manner. Then do you know what blood a woman eats for confinement?

What woman eats blood for confinement

1, what fruit to eat blood

1.1, grapes
