Look at the color of the soil. The soil is rich in soil, while the thin soil is light in color.

Second, look at the depth of soil. Fertilizer soil layers are generally greater than 60 cm; lean soil is relatively shallow.

Three to see the soil suitable for farming. Loose soil and loose soil, easy to cultivate; thin soil layer plow, farming effort.

Fourth, look at the soil slurry and cracks. Fertilizer soil is not easy to be soiled, soil cracks are numerous and small; lean soil is easy to slurry, easy to compact, soil cracks are small and large.

Fifth, look at soil water retention capacity. Under the water, the water can percolate slowly, and the water can be kept for 6-7 days as the fertilizer land. The lean soil can be infiltrated or cracked quickly along the crack.

Six to see the water quality. The water is creamy, sticky to the feet, and the sun is big enough to make big soil when used in the sun or on the foot; the water is light and colorless, the paddy fields are not blistering, or the bubbles are small and easily scattered as lean soil.

Seven see night tide phenomenon. There is nocturnal tide, dry and wet, not easy to dry and sunburn hard soil; no night tide phenomenon, soil hardening hardening for lean soil.

Eight to see fertilizer retention ability. Strong fertility, long enough for fertilizers, or potentially fertile soil are all fertile soil.

Nine to see plants. The soil that grows red-headed sauce, goosegrass, and barnyardgrass is used as a loam; soils such as calfgrassgrass, duckweed, trifolium, wild orchid, wild onion and the like are all lean soils.

Ten to see animals. There are fertile lands such as snails, muddy grasshoppers, earthworms, and large grasshoppers; there are mostly lean soils such as small ants and large ants.

Key Intermediates

Intermediate – Intermediate: A material produced during a drug substance processing step that must undergo further molecular modification or refinement to become a drug substance. Intermediates may or may not be isolated. Intermediates are the key products of the previous process of making APIs, which are different in structure from APIs.

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for example:

Amoxicillin capsules are called preparations, amoxicillin is called API, and 6-APA is called intermediate.

Ceftriaxone sodium powder is called preparation, sterile ceftriaxone sodium is called API, and 7-ACA is called intermediate.

Our company specializes in providing key intermediates for various APIs


Intermediate is a very important type of fine chemical products. Its essence is a type of "semi-finished product", which is an intermediate product in the production of certain products. For example, if a product is to be produced, it can be produced from intermediates, saving costs and reducing It is widely used in the synthesis of medicines, pesticides, coatings, dyes and spices. In the field of medicine, intermediates are an important link in the industrial chain of the pharmaceutical industry. They are used for some chemical raw materials or chemical products in the process of drug synthesis. In a word, they are used to produce APIs.

Key Intermediates , Pharmaceutical intermediates , Anticancer intermediates , Antitumor Intermediates

XI AN RHINE BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD , https://www.rhinebioteches.com