Nanocapsules extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables
October 12, 2016 Source: Chinese Journal of Science
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Dr. Maria de la Luz Zambrano Zaragoza, from the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of Kwatitland, explained that this is good for the attractiveness of cut fruits and vegetables. “They usually oxidize. With this technology, many fruits are not consumed in vain. The loss of crops will be reduced, and the nutrients of fruits and vegetables will be retained."
Using this technology, you can protect a cut apple for 25 days and kiwi for two weeks. However, their production is expensive because a liter of product is priced at 70 pesos by spreading 20 kilograms of cut fruit that will be placed in a convenience store for consumption.
After nine years of research, researchers at UNAM University found that if nanocapsules supplemented with alpha tocopherol and beta-carotene are used on fruits and freshly cut vegetables, they can be dispersed and evenly coated with a thin layer. Flexibly inhibits enzymatic browning and prolongs its life.
“The tiny, encapsulated product we designed is a food additive. It is similar to placing active substances such as lemon oil, rosemary or antioxidants in a spherical structure with a nanometer size ranging from 100 to 500 nanometers. Alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, which removes active substances from this area, allowing it to migrate through the wall to protect the fruit," the academic director said.
Physically, the coating is invisible to the naked eye and is not a film. Due to the absorption of active substances immersed in the surface of the fruit, people can quickly get an edible product. In addition, in order to make the product more attractive, different flavor coatings can also be developed.
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