During the feeding process of pigs, it is necessary to observe the pigs from time to time, and through the comprehensive judgment of the feed intake, mental status and feces of the pigs, timely detection of abnormal pigs or pigs that have already developed, accurate Conduct diagnosis and prevention. This article summarizes the symptoms of early warning of some sick pigs and abnormal pigs:

To find pigs and abnormal pigs as early as possible, we must pay attention to the status of the entire herd and make timely treatment to eliminate or euthanize the decision.

The pigs are patrolled on a daily basis and observation helps to detect the health status of the pigs as early as possible.

First, look at the pigs from a distance without disturbing them. This can assess their behavior.

It is advisable to focus on the activities of pigs lying or limping in the pig herd, the activities of the pigs near the trough and feed trough, and at the same time listening to the cough and sneezing sounds. Observe the ventilation condition of the pig house and whether there are misunderstandings in the management operation. For example, if the pigs are tied together because of the cold thief wind.

In the second step, enter the pig house quietly and observe the pigs one by one according to the BEST system. These letters represent: B-body; E-eye, ear, nose; S-skin/coat; T-temperament.

In a consistent, complete routine visit, observe each pig clockwise, from snout to tail (observed from the back), and then back from the tail to the snout (abdominal and ventral).

The body should be full and the muscles should be well developed. Weaning pigs and finishing pigs should not see the bones of the spine, ankles and two threats. Spinal prominence is manifested by malnutrition (insufficient in food or insufficient intake) or malabsorption (absorption of ingested feed). There should be no damage or bite to the tail, and the anus and the vulva (female) should be clean around without signs of diarrhea. Legs and hooves have good appearance, no swelling, no damage, no cracks in the talons, and no limp in the walking of the pigs. The belly of a healthy pig should be complete. Wheezing, difficulty breathing/heavy weight, cough, wheezing, or sneezing are all signs of abnormal health. Shaking, crouching, swiping legs, and poor balance are also abnormal behaviors.

Eyes, ears and nose should be pink, no damage, no secretions. If the eyes are dark, deep or swollen, the pig may be sick. In the case of respiratory diseases, the eyes are often covered with fog, or there are dark secretions around them. The pig's ears should normally be clean, free of deposits, swelling, parasites and injuries. The nose should be moist, non-invasive, and symmetrical.

The skin and coat should be smooth, clean, and of uniform density. If there is swelling, pustules, damage, scarring, hair loss or skin loss, roughness and other symptoms, it may be caused by parasites, infections, bites or nutritional deficiencies. Skin ulcers may be caused by biting each other. Scarring may be caused by flaws. Exudative damage such as the presence of regular geometric shapes is usually caused by bacteria.

Pigs naturally like to explore, they should show a natural curiosity about their environment. When people approach, the pig may begin to walk away, but then come back to explore, sniff, bite people's boots and clothes. The sick pigs intentionally evade you and stay away from the group, with their heads and ears dangling.

Finally, the pig's manager is required to detect the sick animal in time, and the breeder should respond quickly to treat the sick pig, eliminate or euthanize it.

During the rearing process, pigs and pigs with abnormalities are found. It is first necessary to observe whether the herds in the breeding field and the area in question have caused infections in the majority of pigs or even the entire herd. The farmers need to observe and comprehensively diagnose the disease in various aspects according to the actual situation. The breeding process should be based on the principle of “early disease-free prevention, early disease prevention and treatment”.

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