Staying up late eating nights affects your health; if you eat right, it will benefit your body. The United States "Fox News Network" Health Channel recently introduced seven kinds of healthy foods that are suitable for staying up late.

1. Popcorn. You may think that eating popcorn is like eating chips, but it is not. An ordinary popcorn contains less calories, and it is rich in antioxidants, whole grain cereals, and dietary fiber, and it feels satiety after eating. Recently, a survey conducted by Conne Grana Foods in the US found that those who eat low-fat, margarine-free popcorn will have more fullness than those who eat instant cereal, fruit, or nut bars. Abdominal sensation.


2. Cherry. This sweet and sour fruit tastes good for hunger and is suitable for snacks at night. What's more, the melatonin contained in cherries helps people fall asleep faster. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods shows that cherry juice with sour taste can help treat insomnia. But also to eat cherries pay attention to a cup (about 12) can be because of its high sugar content.

3. Almonds. Almonds contain protein, dietary fiber and magnesium and are a healthy snack. Almonds are easy to eat, so be prepared in advance for a serving, such as a cup.

4. Instant cereal. Ready-to-eat cereal contains whole grain cereals and B Vitamins, but it also has a lot of fat, calories, and sugar, so eat low-sugar content and high protein levels. Consumption of instant cereal can add some milk, it contains L-tryptophan, which helps sleep.

5. Yogurt. Low-fat plain yogurt contains protein and fat that helps to increase satiety. Most yogurts contain sugar. It is recommended to choose plain yogurt and add fresh fruit.

6. Comb cookies. The combination of complex carbohydrates and proteins provides the energy needed to stay awake. Choose 100% of whole grain crackers and low-fat milk, but control the weight because too much protein can make it difficult to digest.

7. Cauliflower. If you need some hot dishes to warm up at night, cauliflower is the best choice. The broccoli is boiled in a pureed form, and some soups are added to help fill the stomach and calm the sedative effect.

Food Sweeteners

Sweetener is a food additive that provides a sweet taste like that of sugar while containing significantly less food energy. Some sugar substitutes are natural and some are synthetic. It allows you to enjoy sweet tasting foods without the extra kilojoules from sugar. It can be beneficial for anyone trying to lose weight and control their sugar intake. Sweetener also does not contribute to tooth decay, as they are not broken down to acid by bacteria in dental plaque.

Natural Sweeteners,Xylitol Sweetener,Healthy Sweeteners,Food Sweeteners