Rice no-tillage cultivation techniques

(1) Selection of plots: Select plots that are convenient for irrigation and drainage, field formation, and good water retention and fertility conservation. Leaky paddy fields, easy dry land, sandy soil, and vicious weeds are not suitable for heavy land masses.

(2) Treatment of rice

Four Elements of Developing Vegetable Industry

In order to develop the local characteristic industry as soon as possible, Tang County vigorously develops the vegetable industry. The development of the vegetable industry needs to have four major elements.

The first is facility construction. Seasonal vegetables are exposed. In or

Top ten application areas of disc separators

Ten application areas of the disc separator:

1. Vegetable oil industry: purification and clarification of palm oil, degumming, degumming, dehydration and dewaxing of vegetable oil refining;

2. Chemical industry: purification or clarification of chemical raw materials.