Spring bamboo shoots nutritional value and efficacy

Spring bamboo shoots are rich in nutrients, but fresh spring bamboo shoots can only be eaten in spring. Spring bamboo shoots should not be preserved, and they are usually made into dried products. So what do spring bamboo shoots have?

Introduction of Spring Bamboo Shoots


14 dietary advice for cancer prevention

Many cancers have a close relationship with the diet, and sometimes healthy diet can effectively prevent the occurrence of cancer. Below we have collected 5 common foods that can prevent cancer, and dietary advice for 14 cancer preventions.

Five functions of feed starter

At present, there are more and more farmers feeding animal feeds with fermented feeds for feeds. Fermented feeds not only save costs, but animals still love to eat. So, what function does the feed starter have in the end? Let us introduce the function of the feed starter by taking Jinbao&#

How to prune nectarine in greenhouse

Nectarines are planted in greenhouses, and their area and height are limited. Plastic pruning must be adapted to the growth of greenhouses, and it can also produce productive tree structures year after year. The plastic generally uses the north high and south low slope type population stru

Strawberry malformation is something

A: The main causes of strawberry fruit malformation are: less pollinating insects, artificial pollination can not keep up; the temperature is too low or too high, is not conducive to anther cracking, pollination, fertilization; improper spraying pesticides; varieties of poor fertility. Con