Release date: 2016-09-27
According to reports, 4D printing has a time dimension more than 3D printing, that is, products printed with 3D printing technology using smart materials can self-deform toward the set direction with time. The tracheal external stent prepared by the 4D printing technology is tailored according to the shape of the trachea of ​​the child. The biodegradable material can meet the performance requirements of the outer shape, toughness, strength and elasticity of the tracheal stent. Special requirements for biocompatibility and degradability of the human body. The stent can be gradually degraded and absorbed by the human body in the next 2 years, eliminating the pain of the patient taking the stent for the second operation.
The author understands that the patient was removed from the tracheal intubation on the day after surgery. On the 5th day after surgery, cardiac ultrasound and chest CT examination showed complete correction of cardiovascular malformation and good recovery of bilateral trachea.
Source: People's Liberation Army
Jiangsu Tiera Biotechnology Co., Ltd ,