As the "National Hepatitis B Mother-infant Zero Transmission Project Hospital", Peking University Shenzhen Hospital launched the "Small Shell - Hepatitis B Mother-Child Zero Transmission Project" yesterday. With the mobile medical "small shell" app project, it will block the slow from the source. The mother-to-child transmission probability of hepatitis B benefits the pregnant women with hepatitis B in Shenzhen.
According to reports, the number of hepatitis B virus carriers in China has reached 93 million, and mother-to-child transmission has become the most important route of transmission for hepatitis B. Infected with hepatitis B virus in infants and young children, more than 90% will become carriers of chronic hepatitis B virus. More seriously, a quarter of those infected with hepatitis B mother-to-child transmission will develop into end-stage liver disease such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. However, as long as the standardized management of pregnancy, it can block the mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B.
According to reports, "Small Shell - Hepatitis B Mother-Child Zero Transmission Project" is a national public welfare project initiated by the China Hepatitis Foundation. It aims to establish a real-time communication between pregnant women with hepatitis B and infectious doctors and obstetricians with the help of mobile medical "small shell" app. The bridge records the antiviral treatment and pregnancy test results of pregnant women with hepatitis B during pregnancy, and manages the whole process of hepatitis B pregnant women and their newborns in a new way to achieve zero transmission of hepatitis B mothers and children.
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