How to prepare bee feed

Sucrose (white sugar) Alternative feeds can be fed directly with white syrup. The appropriate time of use is: When wintering, sugar should be stopped 3 days before the last batch of lids are released. This has the advantage that the wintering feed in the nest is already available. The tran

Nine scientific fertilization is not appropriate

First, iron fertilizer should not be applied to the soil iron fertilizer is easily fixed by the soil and converted into insoluble compounds, losing fertilizer effect. Foliar spraying should be used.

Second, phosphorus fertilizer should not be dispersedly applied. Phosphorus is easi

How to prevent sheep from falling in winter

Q: In winter, there is a lack of green feed and it is easy for sheep to lose weight. How to prevent this from happening?

A: When the weather is fine, go to the grass or hillside and the trees for grazing, so that the sheep can choose to eat some excellent grasses and leaves, especi

Macrobrachium breeding management technology

A few days ago, Liantang Town, Gaoyao City, Guangdong Province, a member of the South China Association for Aquatic Disease Control and Prevention, and a fisherman Rong Zhichao from the Chaoyang Fisheries Clinic of Baitu Township, Gaoyao City, introduced the disease control and aquaculture