Winter 6 ginger teas against viruses prevent colds

Winter is the season most likely to catch a cold, especially for those who are frail. It is easy to catch a cold. The most important thing in the winter is to prevent the common cold. However, if you accidentally catch a cold, what should you do? What's so fast eating a cold? How to pr

Peanut yellow leaf disease control technology

Peanut leaf yellowing In recent years, in the production of peanuts, the phenomenon of yellowing of peanut leaves caused by rainfall or irrigation has generally occurred, and has become one of the major factors affecting peanut production, generally resulting in a 15%-30% reduction in pean

Never eat these foods during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the diet should pay special attention, can not eat indiscriminately, to raise a tire, must pay attention to taboo! The following 15 categories of food to eat some easy miscarriage, and some may even lead to fetal malformations, pregnant women to avoid eating.


Beef Cattle Winter Feed Management Technology

In winter, the cattle are in the state of consuming feed, and the feed utilization rate and the slaughter rate are very low, thus forming a vicious circle of “summer fullness, autumn fat, winter thin, and lack of spring”. The cattle lose up to 25%-30 after one winter. %. In ord

Suitable for crops with sweet potato rotation

Crops suitable for rotation with sweet potatoes include wheat, corn, millet, cotton, beans, and peanuts. However, in sweet potato stem nematode disease, sweet potato can not be used with peanuts and potatoes. Because of the same nematode diseases, it is best to combine sweet potatoes with

Eating almonds can prevent diabetes

do you know? Eating almonds can prevent diabetes! Almonds are common nuts, rich in nutrients, and rich in premium oils. Now studies have shown that almonds can also prevent diabetes, suggesting that people at high risk of diabetes may wish to eat more. Let's le