Can high blood pressure eat honey?

Honey is a food that has a good therapeutic effect. Eat honey every day, can promote the body's metabolism, enhance disease resistance, sterilization and detoxification, but also beauty skin. So can high blood pressure eat honey?

Will eat pumpkin will gain weight

Eating pumpkin to lose weight is a certain truth, pumpkin heat is low, but pumpkin contains high fiber, has the role of promoting intestinal digestion. At the same time pumpkin has some cosmetic effects.

Will eat pumpkin will gain w

Cherry prunes after harvest

After the harvest of the sweet cherry, the thinning, thin and weak branches and the diseased shoots that have grown up have to be removed or shortened so as to open the light path and enrich the shoots to reduce unnecessary consumption, which is favorable for flower bud differentiation and

Soybean field management to early fertilizer

Soybean pods require plant stems thick, thick green leaves, no spots. Field management is mainly to prevent premature senility, control leggy, increase flowering, and prevent loss. The main measures:

(a) Qiao Shi Hua Fei. Flowering and poding period is the period when the soybeans

Broccoli Summer Management Essentials

The suitable growth temperature of broccoli is between 16 and 22°C. Therefore, it is necessary to choose cultivars with strong resistance to diseases and heat resistance in summer. In order to achieve proper sowing, it is necessary to thoroughly remove the crops and weeds of the former